Here you can find all my work from the Western Front, starting from April of 2018. Click on the headlines to read the whole article.


Photo by Oliver Hamlin

Hundreds of Students gather at President’s Office to speak about about breaking the cycle of systemic violence, racism

“The way you have run this school has not worked. We’re done, we’re not doing this again. You’re not going to hide in your office to send emails and expect us to take it. Your time is up,” demonstrator MJ Smith said.


‘Building healing without borders’: Western alumnae start podcast, discussion

Vicky Matey and Olga Araceli sit beneath an antler chandelier at the Cabin Tavern in downtown Bellingham, drinks and bright purple on-brand stickers in hand, and pose for a photo. The red light from a neon sign behind them frames their heads like a halo.

“Make sure we look cute,” Matey says.



Lowrider show brings vibrancy to Red Square

Anna Soltero hopes that showcasing that the event is completely student-run will be inspiring for young people.

“We want the teenagers, the kids to see that they can come to school, they can put on a show and make a difference in their community,” she said.



Man pleaded not guilty to charges of voyeurism, stalking

A 57-year-old Bellingham man pleaded not guilty to charges of voyeurism, a Class C felony, and stalking, a gross misdemeanor, after he was arrested in Wilson Library on Thursday, May 17.



Sen. Murray meets children and teaching staff at Child Development Center

Murray said students like Oppelaar and Solano are the people who will benefit the most from the Child Care for Working Families Act.

“I hear, everywhere I go, from people about their inability to achieve their own dreams, to be able to go to work, to be able to care for their families because of the barrier of getting access to affordable child care,” Murray said.



Multicultural Center Ceremony demonstrators demand recognition of student-led efforts

Despite the heavy clouds hanging over their heads, Western students, alumni, faculty and staff packed into the Performing Arts Center plaza to plant a maple tree in celebration of the beginning of the Multicultural Center construction on April 20.

Also in attendance were about 75 demonstrators, most of whom were Ethnic Student Center club members.