News and updates

The Kaplan lab studies the developmental consequences and therapeutic efficacy of cannabis in pre-clinical rodent models of disease and psychological disorders. To do this, we employ behavioral, genetic, pharmacological, and electrophysiology techniques coupled with novel passive inhalation methods that mimic human use patterns. We aim to optimize cannabis’ medicinal benefits, minimize side effects, and better understand its impact on the developing brain.

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Latest news and media

(5/8/24) Congratulations to Jessica Muckerheide! Jessica was awarded the Behavioral Neuroscience Program’s Goldman/Blackwell Scholarship which will finanically support Jessica’s full-time research activities in the lab this summer. Jessica will continue her research into the effect of estrogen on brain activity and the sensitivity to therapeutic intervention in autism spectrum disorder. Way to go, Jessica! 

(5/7/28) The Kaplan Lab is going to SfN! We’ll be presenting our latest efforts to optimize CBD-based medicine and understand its effects on the developing brain. Our poster will be full of fun data generated using brain-slice electrophysiology, MALDI-TOF mass spec, Western Blot, and behavioral approaches. We hope to connect with folks in Chicago this October! 

(3/18/24) Our lab members continue to be successful achieving postbac opportunities. In just the last month, Alana Sullivan was accepted to the NIH IRTA Postbac program, Gabi Quinn was accepted to the Fred Hutch postbac internship program, Jenika Staben was accepted at the University of Washington’s Medical School, Isaac Heiman was accepted to Washington State University’s Medical School, and Farrell Mahmud was accepted to Pacific Northwest University-Health Sciences Medical School. Wow! Congratulations everyone! You make us proud. 

(12/15/23) Lauren Gilman was awarded an RSP Undergraduate Research Award to study the impact of phytocannabinoids on the gut-brain axis and microglia activation. The award will help fund the purchase of antibodies used for immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Congratulations, Lauren! 

