Lab Members

Current Lab Members:

Taylor McGillis (she/they): I am a second-year experimental psychology master’s student. I am currently working on my thesis where I am exploring the rescue potential of CBD and beta-caryophyllene on the long-term effects of early life stress. Broadly speaking, I am interested in how drugs, like cannabis or psychedelics, can alter both the brain and behavior, as well as treat treatment-resistant psychiatric conditions. I plan to pursue a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience and continue researching the therapeutic potential of non-traditional drug therapies. 

Molly Mouchawar: I am a master’s student in the Experimental Psychology program and recently completed a Psychology B.A. from the University of Colorado, Boulder. I am interested in studying the impact of CBD on cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. My future goals include a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and a fellowship in Neuropsychology.

Lauren Gilman: I am a senior in the behavioral neuroscience program, a BNS ambassador, and the president of NeRDS! I’ve been in lab for 3 years, and my current focus is the gut microbiome in autism spectrum disorder and how CBD may promote anti-inflammatory properties through the gut. I use a variety of culturomics, mass spectrometry, and immunohistochemistry techniques. My next step is Bastyr’s doctorate in naturopathic medicine program. The trajectory is to research, communicate, and promote health through naturally derived compounds. Entirely too many Americans struggle with access to medicine, distrust with the healthcare system, and the knowledge to what it is they are taking. I hope to bridge these gaps by producing publicly accessible, relatively safe, and palatable information in my natural products. In the long term, I may obtain a PhD in a field concerning botanical chemistry and biochemical processes. 

Jessica Muckerheide: I am pursuing a major in behavioral neuroscience with a minor in psychology. I am interested in the idea of assisted therapies utilizing cannabis for Autism-like spectrum disorders, and other neurodegenerative disorders. I would like to continue to become a professor in neuroscience, and work in neurodegenerative research regarding ALS, and xenoestrogen metabolism. In the lab, I study the impact of cannabis on Autism-like spectrum disorders. 

Willow Leland: I am currently a junior doing a behavioral neuroscience major and a chemistry minor here at western. In the lab I study CBD’s effects anxiety, learning, and memory in mice exposed during developmental periods. I hope to study the patterns and effects of addiction with different drugs in the future. I plan to pursue graduate school or pharmaceutical school once I have completed my undergraduate degree.

Shelly Magnotti: I am a third-year undergraduate student perusing a BS in psychology. I study CBDs effects on communication deficits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through mouse pup ultrasonic vocalizations (USV). I hope to further analyze this data by categorizing call types and sequences to have a deeper understanding of their communication. I am fascinated by psychoactive substances, and I plan to attend graduate school to further my knowledge of novel pharmaceutical intervention.

Nick Schneider: I am a third year student planning on majoring in behavioral neuroscience and minoring in psychology and biology. In lab, I am learning electrophysiology techniques with the patch clamp rig and hoping to study the effects of terpenes and CBD on GABAergic signaling. In the future, I hope to study drugs such as cannabis and psychedelics which have been historically undervalued as therapeutic targets.

Lab Alumni:

Jenika Staben (2023) – Medical School, University of Washington 

Alana Sullivan (2023) – NIH IRTA Postbac Program – NIDA 

Megan Koch (2023) – Electrophysiologist at the Allen Institute

Alaura Rice (2023) – Postbac program at Jackson Labs

Brennen Risch (2023; Master student) – Data analyst at Peoples Bank

Jack Jones (2022) – UW SOAR Postbac Program

Isaac Heiman (2022) – Medical School, Washington State University

Farrell Mahmud (2022) – Medical School, Pacific Northwest University – Health Sciences

Ella Gambell (2022) – Doctor of Acupuncture, Won Institute

Reece Budinich (2021) – NIH IRTA Postbac Program – NIDA

Keelee Reid (2021) – Produce manager at Neuralynx

Hannah Stevenson (2021) – lab technician in Garret Stuber’s lab at UW

Mack Brooks (2021) – Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Anna DeWitt (2021) – Data scientist at Alpenglow Biosciences

Sage Arvila (2020) – Medical School (M.D.), Boston University

Zoe Evans-Agnew (2020) – Nursing School, Seattle University

Hannah Webster (2019) – MA in science writing program, Johns Hopkins University; Health reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Jenika Staben (left), Tucker Gibbons, and Megan Koch present their poster at the 2023 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA
Alana Sullivan trains future lab members during a neuroscience outreach event


Jenika Staben and Megan Koch present their poster on the prosocial effects of CBD and cannabis terpenes at WWU’s PsychFest in 2022


Farrell Mahmud and Jack Jones present their poster on the appetite suppressant effects of cannabigerol (CBG) at WWU’s PsychFest in 2022
Lab members, Jasmin Wagner and Keelee Reid, present their poster at the FUN Poster Session at the 2019 Society for Neuroscience conference in Chicago