
IV. Sunseed

Right now, we are about 20, but that will change as volunteers come and go. The place is gorgeous- dry, bone-colored hills full of life. Birds, trees, snakes, shrubs, mice, cacti, insects of all kinds. The desert is a great teacher of resiliency. How can this much life abound in such harshness? Continue reading IV. Sunseed

III. Proof of Life

The last time I checked in it was October, and in November, I moved east to the state of Veracruz, on the Gulf of Mexico. It was a big transition, and on the third and final bus there, I had a moment of regret- asking myself why I would go to a new place where I didn’t know anyone just as I had finally gotten comfortable where I was. At the time, I didn’t have an answer. Continue reading III. Proof of Life

II. Maíz

And so it was Sunday. Instead of church, we went to worship in the countryside, in a field, the maíz gently swaying in the light breeze. And again, I was welcomed with such warmth. People I had never met before shared their home, a hot meal, their stories, and the fruits of months of labor. Continue reading II. Maíz

I. Opening

It has been a whirlwind of colors, tastes, smells, feelings, and conversations. And my face hurts because I can’t stop smiling. I figured it would be good to write a little something as a sort of opening before I share things I’ve scratched down in my notebook the past few weeks. Continue reading I. Opening