HELLO 2017!

May 2017 bring me good fortune, like tourists bring their gum to the gum wall at Pike's Place Market!

May 2017 bring me good fortune, like tourists bring their gum to the gum wall at Pike’s Place Market!


And welcome to my blog! Just a heads up, I am THE WORST writer known to man, but please stay for the entertainment! My name is Katelyn Bautista and I currently attend Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington (if you guessed correctly, then yes, I am freezing in this weather). The reason I started this blog was to share my everyday life to my family, friends, and the public (hey, why not?). I also always wanted to do something like this (blogging), so I can now check it off my bucket list! And plus, last quarter I was EXTREMELY bored and basically devoted my life to watching anime (it’s a curse, but if you’re interested watch ‘Kimi No Na Wa’ IT’S REALLY GOOD!) Now I’m doing something productive with my time (don’t worry Dad, I’m using my talents efficiently! HEY maybe I can make some money off of this ?). Well I hope you stick with me and my journey this year! Have a wonderful day and stay jambatastic! (Fun Fact: I worked at Jamba Juice in high school, I was known as Kate from Jamba).



3 thoughts on “HELLO 2017!

  1. Love your passion on everything you do kid. And if you want free college, why don’t you try as walk in during the try outs. And if if your knees give out again then you probably will learn something new that can better yourself as a DPT. I know every parent is their kids biggest fan, but I still think you can compete w the very best. Love ya kid!

  2. Oh my…R & M, who are the parentals of this kiddo? Lol! You both raised such an amazing daughter(s). Great parental skills to you two! I’m your fambams biggest fan! #fambamfirst #sheloveshersister #fambamvalues #❤

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