Social Butterfly

Antisocial Leaf (Currently me)

Hello Reader!

“How does one gain friends?”

The question that’s been replaying in my head for quite sometime. In high school I had a good amount of friends… when one friend wasn’t able to hang out, I could hit up another friend to hang out. But now, the number of people I can hangout with is limited. DON’T GET ME WRONG! I’m so grateful for the few people I’ve met, but sometimes it sucks when you have like three friends and they can’t hang out/do what you want to do. I’ll admit I’m getting a little homesick, but not in the way you would think. My homesick is more like missing the everyday activities back at home (group of us hanging out at someone’s house, eating In-n-out/Alberto’s/Spaghetti, laying on my sister’s bed and bothering her). Ultimately, I just miss being busy.


“Why don’t you go out and make some friends?”

Another question I’ve encountered…to answer that question: I would, but I’m like in a shy phase (Right now I can imagine my parents are probably thinking “What?! My kid shy?! Yeah right!” or my dad is saying “You’re just like your mom, doesn’t like to interact.” –haha that made me laugh, typing that out because my parents would so do that). Anyways, being put into a new environment and encountering new social expectations, I just don’t know how to act/communicate (I feel like a newborn infant, developing my interaction skills). I want to make friends, but I want to make GOOD quality friends– the friends that are good influences on you, but know how to have a good time (that doesn’t always involve parties, drugs, or alcohol–not really into those kinds of activities at this moment of my life). As I type out what type of people I want as friends, I think of the group of friends I made back home (@ friends back home, come to Washington! Totally kidding, y’all are enjoying your lives in college). And NO, I will not go home just because I’m bored. I knew these types of problems would result in me moving here, I just have to learn how overcome them. Right? Let’s just hope things start to pick up and I break my barrier of anti-socialness.

I’m actually quite curious, to my readers: How did you make friends in college?

Social Gum (What I need to be doing)

Can’t wait to see your responses!



3 thoughts on “Social Butterfly

  1. I dealt black jack and gambled in the cafeteria. I made lots of friends that ended up owing money so they became good friends? I wonder what happened to Adam? This rich Japanese kid that I played 1v1 in blackjack ?

      • Well lets looks back on how you made most your friends. Playing sports so join a club and participate in an activity. Or get a part time job outside of school. You can only watch so much anime in that box before you get fat and pail. Luv U Dude?

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