
This is: Anthie and Daehyun, they’re pretty cool people and I’m EXTREMELY grateful for them.
(LOL his real name is Daniel. Dae Hyun is his Korean actor name, which I think is more fun to say)

Hello Reader!

niche /niCH,nēSH/
Definition: a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.
Synonyms: ideal position, place, function, vocation, calling, métier, job
Sample Sentence: “He found his niche in life.”
The other day, was an eventful one…
The day started off with Anthie and I going to church and when we got back we “borrowed” salt and pepper from the dining hall (we needed it for our spaghetti). After Brunch, I went to the turf soccer fields because I had a intramural soccer game and MAN do I miss playing soccer! My game was average, slowly getting my game back (if you wanted to know, we won 2-0).
Then later that night, Anthie and I cooked spaghetti for our friends (Fun Fact: We almost burned down our entire dorm hall…that was fun). During dinner, we played “What Are The Odds” with eating an onion (horrible, but fun idea) and we all competed in playing Facebook games (Fun Fact: Boys are VERY competitive at video games). Anyways, recollecting on the night, I had a REALLY good time. It made me think “I think I found my niche..” and made me proud of myself because I’m finally breaking out of my shell and putting myself out there. It’s like life back home again–hanging with friends, playing sports, keeping busy.
Well that’s basically it…How was your guy’s weekend? I’d love to hear about it!

3 thoughts on “Niche

  1. Here’s a fun fact – this family never had a hard time making friends. Always be yourself, if they like you good, if they don’t like the way you are then too bad ?

  2. Well on Saturday and work on clients. I went home and studied with my wife she’s going to school now too. Then we went to the gym. Then we came home and prepared the lesson together for youth group on Sunday – together with my WIFE ? Then on Sunday we got to church early and went to prayer. Then we did worship service and then we got to do youth group together! On the way home we went by my son’s house to drop off a casserole dish that we borrowed. My daughter in law insisted we stay for brunch (fajitas) she’s always got a grub spread ? – got play with my 2 yr old grandson- then we went home and took a long nap! ? Then we got up and studied some more and went to the gym again and studied some more and then we went to bed. I did it all with my WIFE! Yeah I found my niche too! We missed you at church but praising God you found your niche and He’s blessed you with good folks in your life ?

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