1…2…3…Jump In!


My Super Cool Human Friends (Left-to-Right): Jaden, Simon, Emma, Daniel, Stephanie, Anthie, Quinn, and Hans

Hello Reader!

So tonight I went trampolining (my back is starting to hurt and I have a soccer game on Sunday, but hey I’m a trooper!) No wonder parents take their kids to trampoline parks, it’s so tiring! Anyways, there’s really no theme to this post I just wanted to say that college is going pretty good. I’m starting to make more and more friends, which AWESOME (Mom…Dad…I did it! You’re daughter isn’t a loser!) My friends here are pretty cool humans and I can’t wait to see how our friendships will develop in the future.

I realized that if you REALLY want to do something, you just have to do it (whatever you’re doing). So on the count of three: 1…2…3…JUMP IN!



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