
Hello Reader,

I’m happy. It’s as simple as that. Looking back at how much I’ve grown from high school to now is just self-satisfying. When I was younger (Haha I sound like an old lady “back in my day..”) I always wanted MORE, MORE, MORE (I sometimes catch myself wanting more occasionally, but not as often anymore). For example:

I always wanted MORE friends when I was little (like I wanted a million friends), now in college I have enough friends to count on my two hands and feet (If you looked at your hands and feet just now, you’ve guessed right… I have about 15 friends, but THEY’RE SO FREAKING COOL AND AWESOME AND I LOVE THEM AND I’D CHOOSE THEM OVER A MILLION FRIENDS ANY DAY).

This past week it snowed like CRAZY and being the California girl I am, I WAS SO EXCITED TO PLAY IN IT! Sorry, getting off topic; anyways, watching the snow fall from the sky, slowly floating it’s way down to the ground was just so aesthetically pleasing…It was so…simple.



Now I understand why children get so excited over the simplest of things like: flowers, bugs, even snow. Because even the simplest of things can bring such immense joy, you just have to realize it.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, you don’t always have to do, see, want things in such extreme matters.Simple is nice as well.



One thought on “Simplicity

  1. I love reading your blogs Kate (: you’re doing a great job. Can’t wait to read more about your life there in Washington.

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