
Hello Reader,

trust (/trəst/)


Definition: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Sample Sentence: “relations have to be built on trust”

Synonyms: confidence, belief, faith, certainty, assurance, conviction, credence

I’ve learned to trust Suite 562/563 in these past six months

I was talking to some of my friends one night and we were telling each other our secrets, dreams, fears, breakdowns, possibly everything you can think of to tell another human being. Suddenly the question of “What do you value most in a friendship?” and the word trust appears in my head. And in that moment I realized “Wow, I must really trust these people if I’m telling them my life story.”

I’ve learned to trust “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” in these past six months

It’s kind of a beautiful terror, don’t you think? To be able to rely on another human being with your secrets, dreams, and fears. To believe that they won’t trash your deepest secrets or to have a connection with another person so strong that it doesn’t scare you to tell them what you’ve witnessed in your life (does that even make sense?)

Here’s a fun fact about me: I love connecting with people (like how in “E.T” when E.T’s glowing finger connects with the main character’s human finger and it’s like *sparkle* *sparkle* *glow* *glow*). Except I’m not talking about a physical connection, more of a mental/emotional/spiritual connection. It feels like the *sparkle* *sparkle* *glow* *glow* connection in E.T whenever I connect with someone mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

*sparkle* *sparkle* *glow* *glow*

I like the feeling of knowing that I can relate to someone else’s life, even if they lived a COMPLETELY different life from me. I like the thought of holding part of someone’s soul in my hands (Oh my goodness, that sounds so demented if you perceive it differently, but I’m keeping it because I have no other way of explaining it but hopefully you get it).

I’m currently sitting in the library, staring outside this GIANT window and the ray of sunshine (which is RARE in this state) hitting the bookshelves. I’m looking at all the people in the room and I’m thinking “Everyone here, has a life completely different from mine and it’s just so fascinating to think we have the opportunity to connect with them.” (Sorry I just went off on a semi-tangent just now).

I honestly forgot the purpose of what I was trying to convey with the concept of trust…it’s a beautiful terror…and I’m just hoping theres more beauty than terror throughout my life.

“What does friendship mean to you?” “Trust…and I trust you”




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