Appreciation Beyond Words

Hello Reader,

The other day I was talking to my momma (also referred to as Mom, Mother, Birth Giver, or the Property-Owner-of-the-Place-I-First-Stayed-At-For-Nine-Months) and we were just talking about school (I’m not going to lie to you, I’m stressed out of my mind and it’s depressing and cold as hell up here in the Winter). We were also talking about life back home, recent events, etc.

And if you can’t tell by now what I’m about to write about, it’s totally okay (Absolutely NOT okay, just kidding) because I will tell you: Mom, I appreciate you more than words can describe. 

I know I don’t tell you often or it may seem like I side with Dad (aso referred to as Father, Pops, Daddio, “The Hoarder” or “Compulsive Liar” *inside joke*) all the time. But I appreciate you more than words can describe.

Talking to you relieved my stress and it felt like weight lifted off my chest. I know before we never really saw eye-to-eye, but since we’ve both grown as humans it feels so great to talk to you or hang out with you even if we’re driving or something (not that I’ve hung out with you recently teehee). I appreciate you more than words can describe.

Before I left for college, those last remaining days I didn’t want to leave because of how close we got. The feeling of saying goodbye to you in September felt like that one time when you had a travel business meeting for JJill or something and I remember BAWLING (and eating my tears and snot as it rolled down my face) when you were packing. It felt exactly like that except minus the tears and snot-eating.

Mom, I absolutely love you to another galaxy and back. You’re one of the reasons I’m deciding to finish what I started (even if I have to endure this REALLY depressing weather every Winter for the next four years of my life, I’m going to look at Amazon after this and invest in a Vitamin-D tanning bed FORGET THE LAMP). And when I succeed, I hope to give you everything you deserve in the world (even though it wont be enough) for all that you’ve done for me, Makayla-Reece, and “The Hoarder” (Actually now that I think about it….we’re all hoarders haha).

Happy Birthday Month Mom (Sorry I can’t be there on your 24th birthday–YES MY MOM IS 24, DON’T QUESTION IT!)



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