Winter in a Nutshell

Dear Reader,

I’m not going to lie, this quarter was ROUGH. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally.

Last quarter seemed like a breeze, I got a 4.0 but that’s probably because I only took 12 credits..This quarter I took a total of 16 credits and I’m predicting I’m getting in between a 3.6 – 3.8.

I hate college grading systems…

A is a 4.0

A- is a 3.8

B is a 3.5

B- is a 3.0

I think you get the point…And I’ll admit this quarter wasn’t my quarter.

  1. It was my first time experiencing winter weather in Washington and I think I got a small case of S.A.D or depression because my emotions were all over the place. I probably broke down and cried more than the average person should in 3 months. I couldn’t sleep till 2 in the morning because I would occasionally wake up or other reasons. I had absolutely no motivation to do anything beneficial: school work, exercise, etc. (Right now I’m imagining my entire family to say something like: “Oh wow, you gained weight anak!” (Grandma) or “You look fat” (Dad)).
  2. Because I had no motivation to do anything and was just REALLY lazy, it affected my grades. Chemistry was easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy last quarter and I think I took that for granted because I rarely prepped for Chemistry tests and as a result I bombed an exam which affected my grade. I’ll admit, I was VERY unproductive.
  3. In exchange for academics, I realized I was out hanging out with friends A LOT this quarter. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing because my relationships with my friends have developed so much that the thought of it makes me smile so much. Especially Hans and Anthie, we would stay up till 2AM (or even pull all nighters, which was yesterday) just talking about life; and I don’t think I would have survived without them.
  4. This was honestly the most fun quarter so far; yeah many things faltered, but it’s life. I’m not a perfect person like my family/friends think I am, I’m human. I look back at this quarter and I did SOOOO much that I’ve been wishing to do when I was in high school. I came to Washington for areason, to experience life independently and I did.

Now that I’m done reflecting, let’s get to concluding…

  1. My parents and family has been calling and texting me, implying that I should come home because family is there (yeah, I know what you’re doing). I still have one more quarter, I’m not gonna wuss out now. I HAVEN’T EVEN FINISHED A WHOLE YEAR OF COLLEGE! I won’t lie to you, the thought has been floating in my head (especially during this depressing quarter), but I’m going to see how Spring quarter turns out and then I’ll make my decision if I want to come home. If spring quarter turns out well, I’m gonna stay here in Washington (because maybe it’s just only winter time that’s depressing/difficult, which I can handle). If spring quarter turns out bad, then I will pack up my stuff, say goodbye to my friends, come home and say “My time in Washington was an amazing experience, but it’s time to come home.” (Not exactly like that, but you get what I mean).
  2. I’m gonna get my crap together next quarter. I’m gonna learn how to balance my social life, work, and academics and make up for my grades I got this quarter. And my mom got me a “happy lamp,” even if it is a placebo it’s working on counteracting my depressing mood, so I won’t be as sad next quarter (and there’s actually gonna be sun next quarter, receive actual Vitamin D light and not artificial fluorescent light).
  3. I have finals this upcoming week and I’m studying my butt off for this chemistry final (only final I’m worried about because it’s the only grade that could be a B or C).
  4. I’m ready to get this quarter over with and go back home and eat some ethnic food because I’m so sick of dining hall food. (That could also be a reason why I was sad this quarter, I only had filipino food twice within three months).

“There’s no good life. There’s no bad life. It’s just about living life” (@H&A, I finally made my own quote to live by)



One thought on “Winter in a Nutshell

  1. Easy formula in life – more friends + more time w them hanging out = lower grades in school. I grew up w a lot of friends and spent all my time = barely graduated high school. It’s just like Physics – laws of gravity. Or Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Jus sayin – hope they’re the same friends that help you pay for that college loan if you don’t get that degree. Just common sense?

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