Spring Forward!

Hello Reader!

Long time no blog right? Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve last blogged, I’ve been focusing more on school (don’t want to repeat last quarter…yikes). I just wanted to update you guys that life is life and I’m just living it right now.

GUESS WHAT?! The trees are decorated with flowers and leaves, the sky is showing some blue, the sun has been blessing us with it’s presence, and everyone has been sneezing and wiping their boogers!

You know what that means don’t you?!

SPRING IS COMING TO WASHINGTON! (Yay! No more depressing clouds!)

As for school I’m taking 17 credits this quarter: Chemistry 123, Abnormal Psychology, Theater: Intro to Cinema, and Compass to Campus. Here’s my thoughts on each class:

  • Chemistry 123 (the last of the horrific Chemistry series): My professor isn’t horrible…I’m studying my butt off for her exam on Tuesday because I’m so nervous. I understand the material, but who knows what might happen on test day.
  • Abnormal Psychology: I REALLY LIKE THIS CLASS! It’s about mental illnesses and what/how certain factors (biological, social-cultural, psycho-dynamic ,etc.) can trigger these illnesses. I was even considering minoring in psychology, but I’m not sure because of money, time, or certain professors.
  • Theater: Intro to Cinema: I mean it’s cool that we watch movies for the class, but it gets so boring sometimes…Kind of a waste of time (but I need to fulfill my graduation requirements…might as well take a class that will give me an easy A).
  • C2C: I get to mentor 5th graders! Which is pretty cool, but scary sometimes because I don’t want to mess up or anything. But it feels good to give back to the community or younger generation (Oh goodness, I sound old saying that…”You know back in my day when I was your age”)

Ultimately, if I have the right mind set and prioritize my time efficiently then this quarter should go smoothly. *pray*

*cross fingers*

*knock on wood*

*throw a coin in the fountain and wish

* *blow out a candle and wish*

*commit every wish granting/good luck task*

As for my social life, I haven’t really gone on any grand adventures: tulip festival, celebrated a couple of birthdays (resulting in me becoming financially broke), played soccer and volleyball (fun fact: I sprained my ankle playing volleyball on Thursday…THIS IS WHY I PLAY SOCCER AND NOT VOLLEYBALL), etc.

Oh and it’s getting really creepy because Antler (Anthie Poon, the beautiful Chinese girl who is always with me) and I hang out so much that we literally say the exact same thing or think the exact same thing…and were gonna be roommates next year (Lord have mercy on us…just kidding, love that chick!).

I have 6 more weeks til the end of this quarter…I can do this! I honestly can’t wait til summer! I’M GOING TO JAPAN! and MY WASHINGTON FRIENDS ARE COMING DOWN TO EXPERIENCE LIFE OF A CALIFORNIAN! 

Welp…that’s all I have for now. PEACE OUT YO!






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