Hello Reader,

It is finally May and I know a lot of my friends are getting annoyed with me saying this, but WE HAVE ONE MONTH LEFT TIL THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR! It’s honestly a bitter sweet feeling…

Sweet: I’m over school and want it to end already

Bitter: My daily routine of a college freshmen is over

It felt like yesterday I was moving in to my dorm with my parents…where did the time go?

Now, I have one month left which means I have one month left to perfect my grades for this quarter. As much as I want to focus on summer break, I can’t. I need to finish strong, I can do it! Kaya ko to (Translation: I can do it).

In all honesty I wanted to write a post about how spectacular this school year has been, but I’m gonna save that for the very end…BUT I did want to show you something I put together. I found some footage that I recorded on my camera and made a little movie. Now to you it may not mean anything, but to me it means so much more than you can think of. While putting it together, I realized I should’ve recorded more videos throughout the year, but I’m human I make mistakes. *LIGHT BULB* I can always do it next school year! Well hope you enjoy the aesthetics of my video!



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