See You Soon

Hello Readers,

The reason for this post is because I needed to blog for myself and to get everything off my chest.

If you didn’t know, three of my friends passed away on Monday in a car accident coming back home from a vacation. (Here’s one of the news links:

My friends’ names were: Jessica Giraldo, Marissa Garnica, and Gaby Constante. I was in shock when I found out Tuesday morning and in fact I still don’t want to believe they’re gone. Last time I saw them was right before they graduated (which was 3 years ago!) and let me tell you, they were the beautifulest human beings you could ever meet.

Jessica would always make you laugh and show you how to have a good time. Marissa would tease you, but in that big sister like way. And Gaby was my role model. I looked up to all of them because they were the only seniors who cared about an underclassmen like me. They showed me kindness, compassion, love, joy, encouragement…practically everything. They inspired me to fight for what I believe in. And cheered me on when I played JV.

It still hurts to think they’re gone..What hurts the most is that they had dreams and ambitions they were supposed to fulfill and the thought that they can’t grow old, accomplish those dreams, influence more lives (than they already have), and live more of life seems so unfair. They didn’t deserve to have their life stripped from them. And I’m trying to think in a positive light that they now are at peace and aren’t suffering anymore, but it’s so hard.

I had a intramural soccer game on Tuesday, hoping to score a goal for them. Unfortunately, I messed up my knee (maybe tore my ACL again, i don’t know..). And in all honestly, this has just been such a bad week for me and I’ve had so many mental breakdowns (and I have finals next week *stressing even more*).

Sorry I went off a tangent just now. Never in a million years would I have thought that one of my friends (actually three of my friends) would pass away. I’m young and all my friends are young and I don’t think that stuff actually happens to someone like me. I guess I was too caught up living in a fantasy and finally reality knocked at the door.

I will cherish my memories with Jess, Marissa, and Gaby forever. I wish I could thank them for everything. They have influenced my life in such a positive manner. It get’s easier everyday, but that’s the worst part, because it really means they’re gone. I’m gonna miss your beautiful smiles and personalities. I like to think they are playing soccer and laughing. God is so lucky to have you three angels in heaven with him. I miss you guys so much…and I will see you soon one day.



4 thoughts on “See You Soon

  1. i am not sure why… it is probably because i miss them so much i searched their name to see their photos once more. I am glad i did or else i wouldn’t have seen this.
    This is absolutely beautiful Kate. I hope everything is going good wherever you are at. Miss you a bunch.

  2. Today is October 29, 2019. I hate the 29th of every month. I lost my daughter Marissa Garnica on May 29, 2017. Today marks 2 years and 5 months and I really needed to see this message. I’m thankful you took the time to post about these 3 beautiful girls who still would be here, if it weren’t for the driver of the car they were riding in. I often question the “accident” but I guess I will never know for sure until I leave this world. I am forever broken and every day is an absolute struggle. Time has stood still for me. I am grateful that you shared the pictures above. I’ve never seen the one of Marissa holding the sign. I will treasure it. Thank you and stay safe.
    Marissa’s mom – forever 20

  3. Wow Kate. I am Marissa’s father. My name is John. I want to thank you for your post. Marissa is missed every day by her family and friends. Your post is beautiful and kind. It’s always nice to hear someone speak of our daughter with such kind and loving words. It is still very hard for her mother and I as well as her sisters. We struggle constantly. With no certainties in our life any more One thing for certain is that our daughter is not forgotten and you have proven that. Thank you for keeping all 3 girls memories alive. With all my heart, thank you for the pictures, your post, you love and memories, thank you.

  4. Kate,
    Thank you for your beautiful words and remembering each of the girls as they were. They each had a life and each meant something unique to you. I am positive you made an impact on each one of them too!
    Best wishes in achieving all your dreams. The soccer girls with the biggest smiles are proud of you for writing this and bringing a smile to their parents hearts knowing the are remembered.
    Thank you, Jessicas mom.

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