Japan: July 9-12

Hello Reader!

Guess what? I’mmmmm backkkkkkkkk AND IN JAPAN!

I’m in Japan for an exchange program (Lions Club International, I recommend to try out the exchange. They have exchanges around the world). So far I’ve had a wonderful time touring and practicing my Japanese (oh so bad…I have A LOT of work to do).

My host family has been so wonderful and welcoming. They plan on taking me to festivals, Tokyo Disneyland, and Tokyo (they live an hour from Tokyo in a city called, Toride). They’ve been helping me with my Japanese and teaching me more about Japanese culture (origami, history, etc.)

The jet lag is slowly going away and I’m adjusting little by little. It’s so hot! Going from Washington’s cold to California’s dry heat to Japan’s humid heat, my body feels like it’s getting whiplash. But my hair and I will fight through this heat for the sake of exploring!

It’s always been my dream to go to Japan and now I’m here. Thank you Lord for these many blessings and experiences! It’s absolutely beautiful here and so organized! People stand on the left side of the escalator so people in a hurry can go to the right and pass everyone (America, you got work to do…). Japanese people are so nice and welcoming! Saved the best for last, THE FOOD IS ABSOLUTELY HEAVENLY (The sushi…oh my goodness, I’m in love).

Time to explore a little more! Sayonara!

PS: I think I found my Japanese husband (;

PS #2: JUST KIDDING PARENTALS, I JUST WANTED TO SEE HOW YOU WOULD REACT! (My dad would probably act gangster and my mom would be like “WHAT?!” haha).


Keito (Kate in Japanese)

One thought on “Japan: July 9-12

  1. Tokyo is incredibly developed and urbanized. The trains and monorail systems in Tokyo are amazing, it’s so punctual clean and safe. Try to visit a real Japanese zen garden, you’ll be amazed at how serene and pretty it is, also if you are able to take the Yamanote? line to the imperial palace grounds, you will be impressed.

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