Japan: Asakusa & Tokyo Sky Tree

Hello Reader!

Yesterday I went to Asakusa and Tokyo Sky Tree (probably one of my favorite locations).

Asakusa is the temple with the REALLY giant lantern in the beginning. Before we went to Asakusa Yuwa found a Yukata rental shop and if you couldn’t guess, WE WORE YUKATAS! IT WAS THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE I’VE EVER EXPERIENCED. I felt so Japanese and traditional (that is the only time I’ll like dressing up).

Side Notes: Yukata’s are REALLY tight so if you wear up, be prepared to suck in that stomach and feel AWESOME!

When we arrived at Asakusa, everyone was asking us to take pictures with them (I felt like a celebrity). As we proceeded closer to the temple, I did those little fortune stalls (and I got the best of luck, THANK GOD). I also made a wish at the temple (something good for everyone).

After Asakusa we went to eat Okonomiyaki and Monja (it’s hard to describe, but it was good).

Then we ended the night at Tokyo Sky Tree and Oh. My. Goshly. IT WAS BREATHTAKING. At Tokyo Sky Tree you could overlook the entire Tokyo and then some and it was just so pretty to see all the lights and streets lit up.

It was such a memorable day.



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