Japan: Harajuku, Shibuya, and Great Buddha

Hello Reader!

On July 17th I went to the fashion headquarters, Harajuku, and the infamous Tokyo crossing location, Shibuya (sorry about the late update).

On July 18th I went to the Great Buddha.

First I would like to start off by saying, I LOVE TRAVELING. It’s just so fun and stepping into a world you’re not familiar with is so exhilarating .

Yuwa took me to Harajuku first and that place is what I consider to be “fashion town.” So many name brand stores as well as knock-off copy stalls. That is where I bought majority of all my friends and family’s souvenirs (I never spent so much money in one day…but I had a lot of fun shopping for loved ones). Furthermore, Harajuku was where I had my first ‘Japanese’ ramen (meaning from Japan) and may I say “RAMEN IS MY NEW FAVORITE FOOD.” It was literally slurping heaven in a bowl.

Not only is Harajuku known for their fashion, but Yuwa and I also visited our first temple. It was enormous and traditional. I love discovering both modern and traditional aspects of Japan because the past is the reason the present exists (whoa…someone better quote me whenever they say that).

Afterwards Yuwa and I headed to Shibuya, where the infamous Shibuya crossing is. It’s so cute because my host family calls it “Shibuya scramble.” We didn’t do much in Shibuya due to time constraints, but in all honesty, I loved just sitting in the Starbucks that overlooks the crossing and seeing people go about their lives and business (it fascinates me and I don’t really know why). There was a peacefulness about it.

The day after visiting Shibuya & Harajuku, I went on a sporadic trip with Mama to see the Great Buddha (the biggest Buddha in the world). Literally the biggest statue ever. We were able to travel all the way up to the Buddha’s chest and they had a little museum inside the Buddha (with more Buddhas). I’ve never seen so many Buddhas in my life.

I love traveling.

PS: Someone build a temple after me or a statue(because that would be dope).




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