Japan: Second Host Family

Hello Readers!

I’d like to tell you about the Ooyoshi family:

Okaasan (Michiko Ooyoshi)

Otousan (Masuo Ooyoshi)

Okaasan is an activities director and a wonderful cook. She loves to learn English and her English is really good.

Otousan is a real estate director and loves to play/watch golf. He also plays the game, Go (which is a really hard strategic game…I lost).

Side Note: I couldn’t really understand the rules of the game because Otousan said it in Japanese, but I’ll get there eventually.

Okaasan and Otousan have 3 sons and 1 grandchild (who I hope to meet soon). They live in a beautiful traditional Japanese home in Tsukubamirai. They also grow their own rice field!

They also don’t have wifi so I will be posting only occasionally about my adventures. I’m excited to see what the Ooyoshi family has planned.



2 thoughts on “Japan: Second Host Family

  1. Congratulations on having a fabulous host family in Japan. They are obviously a very busy group, living in a region of Japan where rice can grow. Growing your own rice field must be really hard work, it must be warm there for the grass to grow or they could grow it in a green house.

    How do you like kneeling down in front of a traditional nippon table for tea and snacks, I found my knees didn’t like it, neither did my belly fat.

    • Hi Kuya Alvin!
      It is really humid here…my hair isn’t liking it (and people have been asking if I’m okay). My knees don’t like the kneeling either haha but “ganbate!”

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