Japan: Animal Cafe and Lions Club

Hello Reader,

I’m BACK and with wifi! (My host family decided to get wifi, God bless them).

While I was wifi-less I went to an animal cafe with Riri (Lily) and her sister, Mirei. Riri and Mirei are daughters of a Lions Club member that is in the same Lions Club as my host family.

I also forgot to say that Mirei is in her second year of high school and I went to visit her and her club (choir). THEY WERE AMAZING! I got goosebumps! And they are the cutest things ever, Japanese are so timid and shy..they eventually warmed up to me and asked me questions.

These animals were so cute (some scary), but why doesn’t America have this? Like animal therapy for $10. Fun Fact: Owls are REALLY soft (and scary because it feels they’re gonna claw your eyes out).

Afterwards, I went to the Tsukubamirai Lions Club Welcome Party. Here’s a quick little story: My hair is naturally frizzy and wavy. Yesterday, after I introduced myself, a Lions Club member asked me if I was alright. Surprised by the question I said yes with a dumbfounded look. He then pointed at his head and said something in Japanese “something something dame Nippon.” I caught on and he was talking about the weather and how humidity makes people’s hair big and frizzy. (Now it’s your turn to put together the pieces).

Thank you Tsukubamirei Lions Club for a wonderful dinner and good laughs. Thank you also for the welcome gift: I’m going to my first ever Japanese baseball game on Aug. 4th. I don’t usually like baseball, but let’s hope Japanese baseball is more exciting than American baseball (if there even is a difference besides location).




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