Hello Reader,

The entire day today I was deciding to make a video about the YCE Japan Lions Club Summer Camp. I was stuck between “I’m so lazy…I don’t want to make two videos” *hint hint* and “But if I make a video, I can show the world all the fun I had at camp.”

So… I made a video. It’s more like a vlog (video blog) type of thing. And it’s not as good as my other videos because I literally put it together in 2 hours.

For your information: it is currently 2 AM in Japan…so yes.. I started at 12 AM…

Well hope you like it! Enjoy!

PS: The video might be in medium resolution because I don’t have enough space in my dropbox for high resolution videos. And I don’t want to upload it to youtube because I’m gonna get copyrighted or something and then you can’t see the video (which would be like a contradiction)…but anyways, ENJOY!

Hint: Click the picture




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