Japan: Giants vs. Dragons

Hello Reader,

I’ve been procrastinating on my blog lately (because I’m just really lazy and forgetting).

But I went to my first baseball game yesterday with Riri (or Lily), Giants vs. Dragons. Both our first time to watch a Japanese baseball game…Surprisingly, I did not expect to love baseball so much. As weird as it sounds, I like Japanese baseball more than American baseball.

Of course my expertise on baseball is VERY limited, so I don’t really know the difference between American and Japanese baseball. But it seems Japanese baseball is less “technical”? Like American baseball seems to take FOREVER, this baseball game was straight and to the point (and more action, at least that’s what it seems). Also the Japanese chants for the players are so catchy and fun.

The Giants lost 5-6; Lily and I were kinda depressed (what hardcore fans we are haha). We promised each other that we would make watching a baseball game a yearly tradition. Which means I plan on going back to Japan every year…I don’t know how/where I will find the money, but that won’t stop me!

PS: I’m going home in 4 days…and I really don’t want to leave ): (No offense Mom & Dad)



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