Japan: Sumo Wrestling & Farewell Party

Hello Reader,

It’s my last night in Japan and I REALLY DON’T WANT TO LEAVE (Not because I don’t want to go back home, but because I really like it here).

On my last full day in Japan, Okaasan and I went to a Sumo practice (thanks to one of the Tsukubamirai Lions Club member) and let me tell you, I have a new appreciation and interest in Sumo Wrestling. Like the idea of 170 kg (400 pound) men that are wearing nothing but this belt thing pushing other men out of a circle bare foot in dirt is exciting. They also smack each other’s skulls together which probably isn’t safe at all, but totally rad and extreme!

Fun Fact: It didn’t even stink! When I go into a gym, it reeks! Japanese are truly the cleanest human beings.

It’s funny because when foreigners think of Sumo Wrestling,  they think of giant fat men running into each other. However, it’s actually more to that. They are literally the world’s toughest athletes (at least what I think). They have to combine their body weight with fat AND muscle; while maintaining endurance to withstand their opponent in the ring. They also have to step in dirt and grind their feet against the dirt, there must be callouses and cuts all over the bottom of their feet. Don’t even get me started on potentially tearing a knee ligament!  AND  they have to constantly be thinking because it isn’t just pushing someone out of a ring with force.

But yeah, new appreciation for Sumo Wrestlers. And they’re so nice and have cute personalities even though they’re humongous!


More about my day, I went on a walk with Otousan (the conversations were very limited/couldn’t understand because he doesn’t know English that well, but thats okay) around the rice fields (tanbo). Just walking and looking at the scenery around me, made me realize how peaceful and exciting Japan has been. As well as how much I’m going to miss days like this..

Furthermore, Okaasan and Otousan threw me a farewell party with friends and family (including Shida Family, my first host family). It was so nice to see everyone that has taken care of me all in one room. The food was filling, but so good! I also showed them my surprise and got a good reaction, so hopefully you (the readers) like it as well when I post it tomorrow.

Yeah..I’m definitely crying tomorrow at the airport. I can feel it.

Welp…better continue finish packing (or attempt…I literally have no room in my luggage…it’s going to explode soon).




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