Japan: Thank you Japan

Hello Reader,

At this very moment as you read this sentence, I am boarding a plane back to California (unless they didn’t allow me on the plane due to my baggage being overweight–literally the hardest war of my life).

There are absolutely no words to describe how I’m feeling…actually there are too many words to describe what I am feeling: sadness, gratitude, joy, inspiration, belonging, tiredness, overwhelmed, energetic…literally every emotion.

This trip has fulfilled my Japanese dream and I’m so sad that it is over. I’m gonna miss the annoying semi (cicadas) everyday and the humongous bugs. I’m gonna miss saying “Arigatogozaimasu” “hai” “gomenesai” “onaka ippai” “tadaima” “Oishi.” I’m gonna miss the hospitality of Japan. I’m gonna miss the food (oh I’m going to miss it so badly). I’m gonna miss all the international friends that I’ve made; I’ve told you this many times, but you truly all are one of a kind and I am so grateful to have met you all. And I’m definitely going to miss Mama, Papa, Yuwa, Mahiro, Okaasan, and Otousan; they’re my family now.

I couldn’t go on this life changing adventure if it wasn’t for the wonderful Godly woman that I am lucky to call my lola (grandma). Lola thank you so much for making this happen for me. I love you so much with all my heart and I’m currently crying as I type this because there are not enough words to describe how grateful I am for you. This trip has changed me for the better and will affect my future in a positive manner. You literally do everything and anything for me and I hope one day I can do something to repay you back for everything you’ve done for me and everyone else.

Furthermore, I would also like to thank all my patrons for supporting me and sponsoring me. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to go on this trip without your help. I knew that Japan was going to teach me something, little did I know that Japan would teach me so much (hospitality, respect, traditions, organization, etc.) that I plan to bring with me into my schooling and the medical work force.

Nonetheless, thank you Lions Club California MD4 for creating such an opportunity. I will definitely recommend this exchange to friends and family. This has been an experience of a lifetime.

My love for Japan started when I first watched the anime, Naruto. It seemed like it would take me forever to visit the wonderful country. Now I can say I have visited the country at the age of 18 and I have the opportunity to tell others what a wonderful experience it has brought me.

Most of all, I would like to thank God for this opportunity. I’ll admit not every 18 year old college student has the opportunity to go to Japan in the midst of financial aid and schooling. I prayed so hard for this and I’ve received this wonderful adventure. God is truly amazing.

Shida family and Ooyoshi family, I absolutely couldn’t ask for better host families. You loved me with all your heart and soul. You treated me as your own daughter and I hope I can repay back your love in the near future. My favorite part of this trip was:  teaching you English and learning Japanese from you.  To all the wonderful people I met through the Ooyoshi and Shida family, you all have a special place in my heart. You’ve brought me joy and memories that can never be replaced. I will miss you all so much (my heart hurts at the thought of missing you and I haven’t even left the country yet).

My wonderful Japan I hope to return back to you and explore more of your beautiful scenery, eat more of your delicious food, be able to learn more about your traditions and culture. Thank you so sooooo sooooooooooooo much for this experience, I am forever (and ever and ever) grateful.

PS: I plan on returning next year for study abroad (Oops…surprise Mom & Dad!)

OH YEAH! I PROMISED SURPRISE (If you didn’t read “Tea Ceremony” I mentioned a surprise)! CLICK THE PHOTO AND ENJOY (Change the quality to 1080)!





One thought on “Japan: Thank you Japan

  1. Shedding tears as you are, for Thanking the Lord for all the opportunities at your young age!
    Will Continue to Pray for Gods
    Provision that may also be shared with my other two grandchildren’!
    May I deserve All the Blessings Extended through me That I may be able to continue to serve God in Return! I only have a few years to Witness your future accomplishments hoping for it to glorify Jesus Christ our Lord! Will never stop Praying until my last breath! Wishing you again another Wonderful deserving Adventure!

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