Goodbye Summer, Hello Sophomore Year!

Dear Reader,

How are you? Long time no post, right?

I am currently at Long Beach airport awaiting my beautiful flight and I thought I would reflect on the summer.

First off I’d like to start with: I WENT TO FREAKING JAPAN!

I never thought I would have gone to Japan, but I did so that was fun! (You can check out my Japan adventure through this link:

After Japan I went through a slump and deleted all my social media apps. It’s been about a month without social media, GO ME! However, I occasionally check on Facebook to catch up with friends or upload my blog. After Japan I just worked and spent time with family majority of the time until my friends from Washington (Anthie, Hans, and Jaden) came down September 2nd.

We did something everyday (leave the house at 9 AM and come back at midnight) and it was pretty adventurous (yet tiresome). Some places we hit up were: Six Flags, Infinity Mirror, La Jolla Cove, Birthday Parties, Los Angeles, FRIENDS set, etc.

It was a great way to end the summer and I’m glad I was able to end my summer this way. I wish I was able to hang out more with my family just because I wasn’t able to since I was in Japan, but at least I was able to get some time with them.

School starts in about 13 days and I need to get back into the zone. I plan on studying extra hard this year and receive better grades than I did last year. I want to become more focused and driven, as well as less stressed (we’ll see how that goes). This year will be different, I will make sure of it. I’ve actually been wanting school to start immediately because my brain is craving information!

Thanks for the fun and memories Summer! Sophomore year, here I come!




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