
Hello Reader,

So last week or so I did a little “survey” because of many reasons, here are a few:

  1. I wanted to interact with the people that actually read my blog
  2. It’s cool to hear people’s dreams and aspirations
  3. I wanted to talk about the topic of (if you haven’t guessed yet): wanting

So the past two surveys (1 & 2) that I put up both had the theme of wanting: “What future career do/did you want (to be)” and “What do you want the most in life.”

FUN FACT: I have a fascination with people’s dreams and aspirations.

Reading that out loud sounds kinda creepy, but when I was reading the results from the surveys there was something beautiful about it. The beauty behind it was this:

I kept this survey anonymous because I didn’t want the results of the individual to be ruined by my knowledge of that particular individual (and it was also fun trying to see who’s results were who’s). About half of you got to become what you wanted. The other half of you weren’t able to become what you wanted, but majority of the results said that you were happy and okay with the life and situation you currently live in. Majority of you weren’t able to fulfill your #1 dream due to life and situations happening, but you kept an optimistic perspective and said “One day I’ll be able to do it,” and refused to let go of that dream.

And in all honesty when creating the survey, I thought there would be mostly negative results and that people weren’t happy with their decisions, BUT HEY YOU PROVED ME WRONG and taught me to have a positive view with the good AND bad that life presents to me. So thank you for teaching me a lesson.

There was one particular result that I got that broke my heart and obviously I won’t announce the results to the world (because that’s just messed up), but I want you to know that: I’m right here and if you allow me the opportunity to listen to you and help you out, I promise I will do so! Just me and you! (So send me a message or something).

So anyways, thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn about your dreams and goals. You’ve taught me a valuable lesson. I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too. I’ll try and make another survey but I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard haha.




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