
Hello Readers,

Today is a VERY important day. Today is the day 20 years ago that two people sealed their love (wow that was so cliche, but I find entertainment in cliche things). If today had not happened, I probably wouldn’t be here today. TODAY IS…the ANNIVERSARY OF MY BEAUTIFUL (yet crazy..) PARENTS!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM & DAD (hopefully you read this or else you’ll think “Wow our eldest daughter didn’t even wish us a happy anniversary..”).

Let me just state one quick fact…My parents were hot when they were young and they’re still hot…in that older age type of way I guess..(tee hee). Prepare yourself to see some really good looking bad-ass human beings *commence photos*.

Pretty hot right?

My parents and their marriage have taught me a lot about love. Love isn’t perfect, sometimes the person you end up with isn’t “everything you always wanted,” there will definitely be rough times (times where you even question love). But at the end of the day, love is what you make of it.

One day when I reach that age of marriage (if I reach that age haha) I hope to find a man that loves me the way my dad loves his wife and children. A man that expresses his love through small and large acts. A man who is freaking hilarious and knows how to put a smile on his wife’s face. A man who is willing to put everything on the line just so that he can see his wife and kids smile.

One day when I reach that age of marriage (again, if I reach that age) I hope to be a strong support system the way my mother is to her husband and her kids. I hope to be a woman of patience like my mother. A woman that expresses her love in beautifully unique ways. A woman that keeps her husband in check and focused on the main goal. A woman who is willing to put everything on the line just so that her husband and kids are taken cared of.

My parents marriage isn’t perfect (but what is perfect?) they make the most of what they have and at the end of the day they will sacrifice themselves for each other. Have a wonderful day together. Cherish each other every second of every day. Reminisce of all the memories you shared. Love each other until your last dying breathe.

Happy Anniversary, I love you.



One thought on “Anniversary

  1. And the Ongoing fights n arguments
    Which is the Real Spice of Love!
    For without it is Not True Love!
    That would mean Not Caring at All!
    And Most of All the Love that God Provides! Forgiving Love of Jesus Christ our Lord!

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