HELLO HELLO (reader)!

It has been a VERY VERY VERYYYYYY long time since I’ve blogged about life of a college student. I’m taking three series: Biology, Japanese, and Physics. And my-oh-my it’s a battle. The biology class I’m taking is considered one of the hardest classes of the series. It’s always a struggle trying to learn a foreign language (Japanese). Physics is basically math, but conceptually my brain cannot seem to grasp it. But regardless of the difficulty of the classes, I kinda like the busyness of the hustle and grind. It keeps me busy instead of doing something stupid or thinking of unimportant things.

The weather in Bellingham is depressing as always, it’s getting colder and I’m running out of warm clothes to wear. But despite the constant dull, gray, cold weather I’m trying my best to not let it affect me like last year (maybe I cant thank my busy schedule for that)!

I’m  trying to put myself a little out there and get involved with more clubs (CSA) and sports (Soccer, Volleyball, Badminton) just to meet more people. It’s kinda hard being social, but baby steps right? Oh I’m also trying volunteer stuff (Toys-4-Tots) to build my resume, but also give back to the community some how.

I’m 4 weeks into the quarter? I can survive another 6 weeks (hopefully)! But yeah that’s the brief summary of Kate’s life in Washington (no I’m not dead).

Hope to blog again soon!



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