Spontaneous Post That I Spontaneously Wrote Just Now

Hello Reader!

This was kind of spontaneous…I usually plan on what I’m going to write about before I actually start to write about it. But in all honesty…I’m just writing whatever is appearing in my brain as we speak.

These past 8 weeks have been hectic…back-to-back tests, waking up early in the morning to go to the gym, studying for Biology, socials (more sophisticated word for parties), attending clubs, going to classes, attending Physics, buying groceries, meal prepping, practice Japanese (not really on that one, I’ve been slacking). But I’m sure you get the gist of it.

The other night I was talking to one of my best friends back home; boy, do I miss her. It got me thinking how home sick I am and to suppress this feeling, I’ve been constantly doing something (anything, really) to the point of exhaustion that way I’m too tired to think about how much I miss home.

This quarter my goal has been: NOT to fail Biology, try to remain positive despite hard circumstances, NOT to overthink (about certain things), grow in my faith and make more friendships. (SIDE NOTE: ALL OF THIS IS EXTREMELY HARD AND IS A STRUGGLE).

Have you ever stopped to think what the future has in store for you? Who would be in your future? Who wouldn’t? What you would be doing? What you would be missing? If you’d regret anything?  These questions have been obscuring my mind this past quarter…

Recently I’ve been trying to put myself “out there” and try and make more friends. But for some odd reason, I find it extremely difficult. I want those good quality friends (you know?) which means I have to open up and allow myself to be vulnerable. But then the thought of rejection appears, which makes me hesitant to make friends…(have you ever had this feeling before?)

Biology sucks. I hate it. It’s interesting, but still hate it. Why am I putting myself through this pain of learning Biology? I have no idea…Same with Physics. Hate that too. Imagine I want to be a Kinesiology major?! Oh boy…this should be fun. Literally Kinesiology is Physics and Biology. But hopefully it’s not as bad..I literally pray to God every night saying “Please don’t let me end up hating my major…PLEASE.”

I have 3 more weeks til the quarter ends…I just have to keep enduring for three more weeks. Except I’m staying up in Washington during the break..hmm that would be a great time for friends and family to visit *hint* *hint*

Best of wishes,


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