Winter 2018

Hello Reader!

GUESS WHAT! Yesterday, Wednesday, was my last final which means I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH WINTER QUARTER!

Winter quarter is always the hardest quarter out of the three. There’s so many possible reasons why: depressing weather? shorter time? laziness? doing too much? harder classes? But I’ll admit this winter  quarter wasn’t as bad as winter quarter last year.

I’ll admit I didn’t do as well in my classes this quarter and I’m kind of disappointed in myself.. (I didn’t get any C’s @DAD so I’m not coming home sorry). And despite the rigorous courses I took this quarter and even though I didn’t do that great, I actually learned a lot?
Biology 205, absolutely hated the class, but I really enjoyed learning the material.
Physics 115…yeah no physics is just a hard science, my brain just doesn’t do physics.
Japanese 102, I learned A LOT and expanded my knowledge on the language and it’s quite exciting to learn a foreign language.

This  quarter I think I spread myself a little too thin with the social aspect. I am burnt out. Don’t get me wrong I loved meeting new people and creating new friendships, but I think I forgot to give myself some time to relax and breathe. I forgot to focus on myself.

I’ll be honest toward the very end of Winter quarter (2 weeks before Finals week) I wanted to just drop out. I felt lost and felt as though I didn’t really have a future (nor did I want one?). I hit rock bottom and just wanted to stay there. I stopped caring and it hurt me being in that position. I’m kind of still in this slump, but I’m slowly getting out..

“I’ll be your sponge, I promise to soak up all that stress and pain”
“I promise to fight with you , so you got to keep fighting okay?”

I don’t think I would’ve went to my finals if I didn’t hear those words. And I thank God for you both every night (you know who you are) because I probably would’ve failed this quarter if it weren’t for you.

Okay. Okay. Enough with the sad yet heart felt appreciation. It’s my spring break time, I’m gonna be lazy and regain all the sleep I lost. OH! And guess what?! I’m applying for the KIN major next quarter, so I’m gonna need some prayers please (and thank you).

Love you all! I’m gonna go climb a mountain now and get some of that nature tranquility (or something).


2 thoughts on “Winter 2018

  1. Hi Kate,
    I always enjoy reading your journals 🙂
    I was wondering who is the person helped you out throughout the quarter and be supportive?
    I’d just like to appreciate them!

    Thank you!

  2. Darling, don’t get disappointed when you find out it’s just Lola! I don’t usually call you darling!😱But, Next time Concentrate on the subject! Get rid or Set aside whoever That! that you think was an inspiration! That’s a wrong Perception! FOCUS! Whoever n Whatever that is, you can always go back or take back! Tell them to Back Off n Come Back after the Finals! Try n you’ll see what I mean! If they really care let them get lost for a little while!
    Get them out of your mind n sight just for That Time that you need to Concentrate! It Will be more exciting n Proud n make whoever Proud when you show whoever you Got A’s! I really hope you get my Point! Take Lola’s Advice n you’ll Do Better!
    If you don’t get it, I’ll translate in Tagalog! I speak n can express it better! This are All Out Of Love!
    From someone who Truly Love ❤️

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