Human Emotion

Hello Reader,


a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
“she was attempting to control her emotion”
synonyms: feelings, sentiment

I’ll admit, I’m a very emotional person.  I think it’s because I tend to hold on to things (relationships, expectations, etc.) dearly to my heart (makes sense according to the definition from Google).
Earlier in the night I had anger, confusion, paranoia, and sadness built up inside me, so I walked out of my apartment because I needed to “de-emotion” myself.

I can’t talk for everyone but I believe emotions are a beautiful trait humans contain. Everyone loves the positive emotions. Feelings of Cloud 9, excitement, joy, silliness, etc. I know that I love those emotions and wish I always felt those emotions…But sometimes I feel like I could do without it… I honestly just hate the feelings of negative emotions because it feels like a hole in your chest (am I even making sense right now?) Or when you’re really angry and then when the anger passes you feel really bad for the receiving end of your anger (or even question, why did you get angry in the first place?)
And some of you are probably thinking “well why don’t you learn to control you emotions?” Well my response is: can you actually truly control your emotions?  I don’t consider “controlling your emotions” as not physically showing your emotions because technically you’re still feeling them, correct?

I truly have no idea where I wanted to go with this blog emotions got the best of me..I guess right now what I truly need is thoughts/stories/advice? I’m tired of feeling negative emotions (anger, rage, paranoia, sadness, etc.) and I don’t know what to do…right now if I had an off switch to my emotions, I would just turn it off.

Your emotional human being,


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