What it’s Like To Be in College?

Hello Reader,

“College is the best four years of your life!”

I’ll admit, college will definitely bring you your fair share of life experience.

Partying. Socials. Making new friends. Going out. Studying for exams. Having mental breakdowns. Trying new things. Making memories. Becoming independent. Joining clubs. Just to name a few.

As of right now I’m in my last quarter of my sophomore year. I applied for my major and I’m frantically waiting to find out. As you can assume being an out-of-state student with debt accumulating and all her graduation requirements (GUR) fulfilled, I NEED TO GET INTO MY MAJOR.

I’m at that point in college where all of my close friends are in their majors and I’m just here…major-less and it sucks. I know I should be happy for my friends getting into their major and making memories, but there’s a bitter sweet to it.

The difference between being in your major and being undeclared is this: you grow closer to the people you take classes with and if you’re in major you take the same classes because you’re all trying to achieve one thing (that degree in that specific specialization). So the more classes you take with the same people, the stronger the bond.

And I know I sound like a baby right now, but because my friends are in their majors they are building stronger friendships with their “cohorts” or “phase” by spending more time with them (studying, partying, etc.) and I’m just gonna be honest, I’m scared of being left behind or forgotten.

For me personally it’s hard making real quality friendships in pre-requisite classes. Just because I need more than a quarter to truly bond with another person. Yeah I joined some clubs to meet new people, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out with your school or work schedule so that blows as well.

In college you don’t have much going in. You’re completely independent and so when you finally find something to latch onto (or feel like you belong) it’s the best feeling. But when it feels like that something is slowly fading away from your grasp…it gets lonely.

I really hope I get into my major and if I don’t then I’ll just gonna move back home (YAY FOR MOM AND DAD).




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