Til The End of Summer

Hello Reader!

In a few days a very important person close to me is going to a far off place because they made the courageous decision to protect our country. This blog entry is  more written towards this individual, but I wanted to share to you (the reader) how much this individual means to me.

The emotions running through my head are on opposite sides of the spectrum:

  • Happiness because you get to see more of this beautiful world that God has created
  • Proudness (if that’s even a word) because of all your accomplishments and commitments to your priorities
  • Worry because it’s a dangerous world out there
  • Sadness because I don’t get to see your handsome face and beautiful soul for awhile

There are not enough words to describe how grateful I am that God gave me this school year to spend time with you (and I pray that there will be more time after this summer). I’ve known you for about two years now, but this year we’ve become so much closer.
It simply started with seeing you everyday in Physics and basically giving you the answers to the ABC questions. Then we began hanging out everyday outside of class and when we didn’t hangout or talk, it felt weird or abnormal. We went through our trials and tribulations with our relationship and our relationship with others. You opened up to me and I to you. There was even a point where we admitted to being addicted to each others presence. I love the moments we spend together. I love hugging you. I love hearing your laugh because it’s one of my favorite sounds in the world. I love looking into your eyes. And I can keep going on but, then this would be an essay! Now we’re at the point where we even complete each other’s sentences or say what the other is thinking (which is REALLY creepy/cool/funny/weird). 

You are my sunshine in the rain (that sounds familiar), my shoulder to cry on, my spontaneous adventure buddy, my karaoke partner, my motivator, my co-chef and overall my best friend.


The word “Love” isn’t enough to describe these past eight months. The words I type barely scratch the surface on exactly how much you did for me and how much you mean to me. You helped me grow. You cheered me on. You believed in me. You turned my tears of sorrow into tears of laughter. You taught me a lot about life (some random facts, some helpful tips), myself, and love. You made me forget about all the pain and negativity in my life and helped me notice the beauty in everything. And everyday I tell God “thank you” for putting such a wonderfully amazing and beautiful human being in my life.


I’m not sure what God’s purpose is to put us in each other’s lives, but I’m grateful he did and it’s been all good things. It scares me to not know what will be happening on the other side of the planet. But I know that you’re going to do great! You are smart! You are strong! You are brave! Remember to always pray and look to God. Thank you for creating all the beautiful memories this school year.

I have written and revised this post so many times, but no matter what I type it still doesn’t do you justice…the more our time together gets shorter, the sadder I get. I’m gonna miss you so much when you leave, but I promise to suck it up until I see you again til the end of summer. 사랑해. Mahal Kita. I love you.




2 thoughts on “Til The End of Summer

  1. This is so special. I really enjoyed reading this and how another human being has had such an impact in a positive way to your world. Love is amazing!

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