Nightmare Relived

Hello Reader,

It’s only been two days but I have news to share…I MOST LIKELY 99% SURE I RETORE MY ACL! YAY!!!

It happened during intramural 6v6 soccer playoffs. I kicked the ball as I was running, stepped, and “snap, crackle, pop” (or at least that’s what I heard). It’s dead week this week which means finals are next week and in all honesty, I am not mentally ready. I already had to skip my classes yesterday to get an x-ray which puts me back a class worth of material missed…
I’m stressed  beyond stress (if that even makes sense) just because my knee sucks…

In the chaos of everything I learned two important things: (1) the trials of being an adult (2) true friendship.

The trials of being an adult: I learned that my insurance doesn’t cover out of state costs if something were to happen to me and so I have to pay for my x-ray and MRI (which is a wee-bit costly, thank God I saved up) just so I can speed up the process of getting surgery when I return to California. But I had to experience this eventually in my life right?

True friendship: Shout out to my oh-so-wonderful amazing best friend Miss Anthie Poon for enduring my stress and taking time out of her day to help me out. Sorry I’m useless on the last weeks of school and I truly appreciate having you by my side in this nightmare I am living.

I cant truly predict how things will play out during the summer (if I will get surgery or not based off of the amount of  time I have). Honestly right now I just want to exercise and run so I can burn the calories I eat, but since I cant do that, I cant eat as much. Goodbye summer body that I worked on the entire academic year haha (that was actually suppose to be a joke so this post doesn’t sound as depressing, I find it quite humorous).

My Goal: Not fail my classes…


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