Bitter Sweet Quarter

Heyyyy Reader!!!

Long time no blog right?! It’s because I was practically dead half of the quarter! Just kidding! (Kinda not kidding, it felt like I was dead).

FALL Quarter of 2018 was literally the definition of bitter-sweet. I took only 3 classes: Anatomy & Physiology, KIN 306 (Measurement & Evaluation in Kinesiology), and Sport Psychology.  It doesn’t seem like much (at least what I assumed when enrolling for these classes),  but it was a lot.
This is what everyday looked like (for the past 11 weeks): Wake up, Go to the gym, Come back, Get dressed, Eat breakfast (occasionally), Go to class, Eat lunch (rarely), Go to class, Go to class, Go to work, Come home, Shower, Eat dinner (occasionally), Go back to campus, Study until midnight, Come home, Go to sleep, Repeat.

This quarter literally made me stress and work harder then I have ever stressed and worked in my entire life! However, there is an upside to this nightmare of a quarter…

Fortunately I wasn’t alone in this nightmare! For the first time in the past two years I have finally felt like I have made friends with people I actually have commonality with. I made two friends who tore their ACLs recently (we call ourselves ACL squad). I made a couple of friends in Anatomy & Physiology to cry and study with. I made some friends who share the  same major, expectations, goals, and future career as me. Shout out to these beautiful souls: Dmah, Camille, Q, Rex, Natalie, and Tim for all the laughs, memories, study sessions, and friendship (can’t wait to suffer with y’all next quarter haha).

I also wouldn’t have made it through this quarter emotionally if it weren’t for my cute boyfriend (Daniel) and best friend (Anthie)! Thank you for all the laughs, cheering up, food, and kisses (specifically my boyfriend and not Anthie haha)!

Well that’s about it…Now to just wait patiently for my A&P teacher to release the final grades so I can stop having anxiety and relax (:

Vancouver date with my honey bunny


They call me Dr.Bautista (you think I’m joking, but they literally called me Dr.Bautista)

A&P made be feel like this

MY AWESOME ASS GROUP (Natalie & Rex) IN KIN 306 Click photo to watch our video!




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