To My Dearest Love

Hello Reader!

I was planning on writing this on Valentines Day, but what difference is a week? This blog post is dedicated to my dearest love…my first love…my lovebug.

I am so absolutely grateful for you.
I’m grateful for all of the effort you put in just so that I have a smile on my face. Im thankful that you still love me regardless of all the sass I give, mean things I say, craziness that I am, and the numerous amounts of ugly flaws that I contain. I am so thankful to have you in my life and everyday I wake up wanting to bring you the same happiness you give me.

These past weeks have been rough for the both of us…exams, projects, homework, work, financial problems while balancing this relationship.  We’ve been through so much as individuals, as friends, and as a couple. But at the end of it all, we’ve grown so much as individuals and  grown stronger as a couple.

I just want to remind you that you are capable of anything you put your mind to. You are stronger than you know and braver than you think. The more obstacles (school, work, etc.) you face, the more obstacles you will overcome and all the stress that accompanies it will simply fade away. You got this love bug! I can only say this because you showed me that.  I wish I can take away all the bad and stress in your life, but only God can do that. The thing I can do is help you in your lowest lows and celebrate your highest highs.

You taught me about patience, helping others, trying out new things, dealing with obstacles, communicating how I feel, and most importantly what it’s like to love another human.

I’m so in love with you. I love your warm hugs. I love how cool it is that we can read each other’s minds. I love how funny you are. I love how passionate and dedicated you are. I love your smile. I love your laugh. I love you and I’m so proud of you!

Love always,

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