
Hello Reader,

A week ago, I was in love…actually I still am. Except now, I’m heartbroken as well. Before I write this, I want to make sure that this post is not meant to bring negative thoughts and opinions to him. Rather this is part of my journey to cope. So here I go…

Love is probably THE BEST feeling in this life. Hugs. Kisses. Laughter. Sunshine. On the other hand, heartbreak is by far the most horrible feeling you could bring to another human being. It’s funny how love can turn back on you and destroy everything. The memories. The happiness. You can feel it in your chest and it feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest. What I hate the most is that you can’t do anything about it, but hope it will pass.

This was my first love. They say the first is always the worst when it comes to heartbreak and let me tell you, it hurts like hell. But I don’t regret it. Because I was able to have the opportunity to love someone with everything I had, and I just hope he was able to feel all of it.

To my first love:

I’ll miss your kisses, your hugs, your smile and laughter, your complaining, your voice. I’ll miss eating a tub of ice cream while watching movies. I’ll miss getting competitive over stupid little games we’ll randomly make up. I’ll miss you getting mad at me for driving so close to the car in front of me. I’ll miss being your best friend and doing life with you. I pray to God every day that you find happiness and belonging. I pray you get to have your dream job. I pray you make your family proud. I pray that God keeps you safe every day and you get to experience this wonderful life. Most importantly, I pray that God gives you someone who loves you more than I ever could. Thank you for a beautiful adventure, by far one of my favorite and most cherished adventures.

My heart hurts and I know it’s going to take awhile to repair. I have to restart again. I have to learn how to live life on my own. I’ve been praying to God every night to take these broken pieces and make them whole again in a love that is the greatest type of love, HIS love. “You’re going to be okay kid, everything is going to be okay.”

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8


Love always,



***Note: please leave any negative opinions off this post to respect both parties***

3 thoughts on “Heartache

  1. Honey,
    always Count it a Blessing when you Undergo All kinds of Trials for that develops your Faith in Jesus Chris!
    Don’t ever get tired if I have to mention Him at All Times cause
    Ever since I Trusted Him Fully n Surrender my life to Him who is In Control anyway, I’ve Never Experienced So Much Peace Of mind n Contentment in my life.
    I’ll be Praying for the time when you
    Laughed n Realized how Crazy you are to have Felt the way you do now!
    It Could have been worst! See how Good God is! Stay Calm n Wait for the Door that He’s Preparing for you!
    You will not be able to thank Him enough! Keep in mind All the people who are Loving you! The Kind Of Love that he was not able to give you! Love that is Not Worth At All!
    I’ll Pray Too that I’ll still be around and hear you say, Thank you, Lola! You’re Right!👍
    All Wounds Heals! Even Death!🥰
    When you are hurting, I am Too!😘

  2. Hi again Kate! Same anonymous person here, after reading your Current displeasures of life Part 1, I went back to read the rest of your blog entries. I tripped over this one, and it again, reminds so much of me.

    I, too, have a blog (although I don’t have the courage to let the world see and only the closest people have access to the link). In there, I also made a post about all the beautiful memories I made with this one person. And I was betrayed by them. It wasn’t as bad as being cheated on, because that’s such a terrible, terrible thing a person can to do to another, and I can’t ever feel that pain you’re going through. But when he threw me away, a part of me left with him, as much as I wanted to stay intact.

    I wanted so much to give up right then and there. All the beautiful memories, what’s the point in remembering them whenever they were brought up they would remind me of how much this person has hurt me?

    For the last year, I couldn’t bring myself to forgive this person. But I know that’s what God wants me to do. I know the ultimate and hardest decision for me right now, is not only to let go, but to forgive him. And it’s so, so hard, it’s been a year already and I’m still struggling. Everyday I pray for it to get easier, and it does. Some days are rainier than others, but there are more sunny days now. I’m learning to forgive, slowly, and eventually I hope I will get there.

    And don’t forget, to continue loving and believing in love. Even though this one person has misused the words “i love you” to the point where you question if these words even hold any truth or meaning anymore. Well, they do. He wasn’t able to see the true beauty behind those words, but I do. Everyday I do. Someday someone will use them right, will treat us with all the beauty behind those words, and this scar that’s healing will be fully recovered. Don’t let what happened stop you from loving. He doesn’t deserve to be the reason you break down, and we will only stand taller

    • Hello Anonymous reader and commenter. Thank you so much for reading my past posts. Your response has truly touched my heart and your words are just pure beauty. I’ve been trying to find out who you are for the past days and I want to tell you that I hope our paths cross and I may meet your beautiful soul one day (:

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