Dear ______

Dear ______,

You broke me. Congratulations. It was already hard trying to get over the breakup because you couldn’t see me in your future due to the fact that I wasn’t Korean. I wanted to be the bigger person and wanted you to be happy in life, so I decided to let you go. Then a week later, I submit the heartache post expressing my love and gratitude for all our memories together. Of course, my heartache just isn’t enough for you and I discover that you cheated on me back in November/December. Only three months into our relationship…you hid it from me for seven months.

For the past seven months you looked me in the eye and said “I love you.” For the past seven months you told me “I would never hurt you.” For past seven months you lied. For seven months you kissed me with the mouth you used with her. For seven months you made me believe that you could never cheat on me. I lost seven months.

For the past three days I’ve been angry, disgusted, heartbroken, sad, furious, EVERY possible horrible feeling you could bestow on another human. For the past three days, I keep imagining what you did and it makes me sick to my stomach. For the past two weeks you’ve put me through hell. I’m so tired…and I just want to forget everything and get out of this nightmare.

You wanted to be friends, I agreed. I would have loved staying in your life and seeing you grow and be happy. I would’ve been grateful for the past ten months of loving each other and learning from our relationship. But now, all I can think about is the pain you caused me. I loved you with all my heart and you played with it. You played with it as if it were a toy and then you stomped on it, kicked, trashed it, and left. I don’t have the courage to be friends anymore…I don’t have the strength to look you in the eye and pretend everything is okay. You broke my trust. You broke my heart. You broke me.

No human should ever be cheated on, EVER. No one deserves that much pain and I keep asking God “What did I do to deserve this much pain?”

Some part of me still loves you and it always will. And I pray that God may watch over you and protect you. I pray your relationship with God strengthens. I pray that we can both find happiness and forgiveness in the future. I pray God takes away the guilt in your heart and the pain in mine.





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