
Hello Reader!

It’s simple like the title…I GOT BAPTIZED! It’s funny how the situation came to be also because I wasn’t even planning on it.

For the past few years I’ve been attending this church, CTK Bellingham, and I’ve felt my relationship with God grow. CTK would always have baptisms and I would always just watch, from the crowd, people dedicate their life to God. Always thinking “One day…but I have to be the perfect Christian” and just a bunch of excuses. I think most of all I was just scared of letting this “higher power” take control of my life…because if you don’t know me by now, I like control and having certain things done my way (I know I sound like a control freak). Like the thought of this thing controlling your life when you can’t even see it is FRIGHTENING!

Sitting at church on Sunday the sermon was called “Friends of Sinners, Part 1 Voices” (recommend listening, its a good sermon) and by the end of it Pastor Grant (by the way, one of THE best pastors I’ve ever listened to) was just like “So were doing baptisms today and if you feel God tugging at your heart, get baptized! No excuses, we prepared! We got extra clothes in the back” (okay he didn’t actually say it word-for-word, I just can’t recollect all his words because there was so much going through my head).

There I was sitting in my seat and my heart was POUNDING (assuming the “tugging” Pastor Grant was talking about). Something was just like “Do it Kate, don’t be scared.” Then this past summer just flashed through my brain. Not going to lie, this summer was ROUGH and probably my worst summers yet. But through everything, I realized God got me through it all. He was the only one that never really abandoned me and he showed me what true love felt like. In that instance, I let go of my control and gave it to him.

The best part about everything was after I got essentially dunked in water, I returned back to my seat. Once I sat down, taking in everything that just happened in the past 10 minutes, I broke down and cried. I cried and I just told God: Thank you. Thank you for loving me when I truly didn’t deserve to be loved. Thank you for letting me experience this life I get to experience. Thank you for taking this heavy weight off my heart and shoulders that made me feel like I was suffocating. Thank you for absolutely everything.

So moral of the story: I spontaneously got baptized and I’m choosing to follow God for the rest of my life and have him take control.

I know life isn’t gonna be perfect from now on, but I know having God is gonna make it a little bit easier to live life.

Here’s the not-so-great candid of me before I got dunked haha.

With Lots of Love,

Katelyn Ann

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