College in a Nutshell

Hello Reader!

It’s been about two weeks since I’ve graduated from Western, and well here’s a blog post that sums all that up.

FIRST I want to say thank you to everyone who has read any post on my blog, hearing all your responses to my writing has been a real confidence booster and I’m just grateful that you took time out of your day to read something I write. The unfortunate part to this is, this could be my last and final blog post. The reason for this being is because my student account was the reason all of this came to be. Since I graduated from Western and no longer attend the university, they are deleting my student account, thus deleting my blog. BUT who knows, maybe I may still be able to blog somehow magically *fingers crossed*

Anyways…Yeah! I graduated! Took me three years and a quarter to complete and I walked off that stage on December 14th, 2019 with my diploma.
Fun Fact: the speaker pronounced my name wrong when announcing my name to receive my diploma (how does that happen? I do not know).

In all honesty, I’m kind of in denial. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to graduate and not deal with the logistics of school, but also I didn’t want to graduate because college IS fun. I was terrified entering college because this southern Californian was about to start a life independent away from her family and was forced to make friends. I truly believed I was incapable of making friends. I definitely was wrong because I made probably THE BEST friendships of my entire life.
Here are a couple of people I want to thank:

  • Thanks Miss Poon for sticking with me for the past 3-4 years and being my best friend and helping me grow in my faith.
  • Thanks Hanser for being my first crush in college (I love how thats just a normal thing to say between us haha), but also a great friend. 
  • Thanks KooDaeHyun for being one of my first friends at Western and all the memories and lessons in life. 
  • Thanks Annelyse for being sassy but also a ball full of sunshine for the past 2 years I’ve known you. 
  • Thanks DMah for all the late night study sessions and inspiring me to take chances in life (because who knows, it might turn into something great). 
  • Thanks Quinten for being my go-to and always being there when I needed it
  • Thanks Kereesa for being a spontaneous and down to earth friend; thanks to you I was able to do A LOT in my last few months.
  • Thanks Timmy for all the wonderful facial expressions and laughter.
  • Thanks to all the friends I made at Western and all the wonderful moments spent together studying and/or partying haha.

Looking back at it, college has taught me a lesson practically every quarter. Things college has taught me: how to be independent and make practical decisions, how to use my money wisely (still working on that), how to not be okay, how to take a step back and put myself first, love, friendship, priorities, how to cope with stress, how to take chances and accept the consequences that come with them, and just life itself.

Now a lot of people are asking “So whats next?” And if I were to be frank and honest with you, I’m chillin. I worked my butt off the past 3 years and I’m kinda burnt out. So I’m gonna be lazy for awhile because well I deserve it (sorry Mom & Dad, I’ll cook as my payment for rent). Then when I’m tired of being lazy and not doing anything, I’ll go find a job. Ultimately I’m waiting to hear back from graduate schools (physical therapy) to see if I got in (prayers would be great, please and thank you!). Right now I’m just trying to figure out how to navigate through this new chapter in my life.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog! I appreciate so much! I’m praying that I really wont have to let go of this blog (but who knows, I guess it’s a waiting game). IF YOU EVER NEED ME, YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME! WITH LOTS OF LOVE!


Katelyn Ann


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