Your True Self

Dear Reader,

This won’t be long…but I ask you to be true to who you are. To let yourself feel whatever you need to feel.

To never deny yourself the chance of happiness.

To not let the opinions of others influence you and your actions.

To show the world who you truly are and not some social model.

To embrace your true self and not feel hesitant to show anyone who you truly are.

To stay true to who you are because the only person you have at the end of the day is yourself.

I realized this on Friday…we hide who we truly are because we’re all so afraid of what people will think of us. BUT WHO CARES! If people don’t like you for being you, that’s their fault (YOU ARE FABULOUS! BELIEVE ME!). So I promise you that I will stay true to who I am, if you stay true to who you are.

With all love from my true self,


2 thoughts on “Your True Self

  1. This is so true, we have a public and a private persona, we hide our real feelings often for fear of being an outcast from the madding crowd. One of the things I learned in life is people don’t think for you nor against you, they think of themselves. Cheers!

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