Stagnant Shock

Hello Readers,

This is quite a sporadic post as well as ironic due to the title of the post.

The reason I am writing this post is because I just cried to my mother how bored I am. Going from doing something everyday and experiencing new things (languages, food, people, etc.) to going back to a life a routine is really boring. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice to see friends and family again, but that’s all there is to it. I don’t want to feel like my life is a boring dull song set on repeat (does that make sense?)

I like having my brain feel stimulated and learning, not just bored and going through the motion..

I did something every day in Japan and one of my favorite things to do was connecting with other human beings (even if I didn’t understand their language). I talked to Anthie earlier today and it’s always so nice talking to that girl because I feel connected to her on a whole different level. It’s hard to explain, so I’m really hoping you understand; take this for example:

  • Do you ever talk to a specific friend/family/stranger and you talk about a topic that make you both you just vibe really well with together?
  • Do you ever talk to someone and whatever they are telling you fascinates you to the the core of your humanity?
  • Do you ever talk to someone and just feel at peace because you’re comfortable with them?
  • When you meet someone new and you’re so interested in them and just want to get to know them more?

I miss this because it’s exciting and stimulating to my brain..and so far the only people I’ve really been connecting with is family and two people who are thousands of miles away from me.

I know it’s only been 2 days since I’ve gotten back, but still. I’m going through stagnant shock right now and I’m completely hating it.  My mom also says that I’m tired from the jet lag because I haven’t been getting enough sleep due to the fact that I’ve been waking up early for work and appointments.

I’m trying to decide what I should do to get out of this slump…I was thinking practicing more of my Japanese.

I’m sorry for those who read this and can’t really quite get what I’m trying to say. Even I can’t find the correct words to describe how I’m feeling. But this is the best I can do..



One thought on “Stagnant Shock

  1. Ahhh welcome to the real world. Better write more letters and have your Lola send it out. Remember life’s not always peaches and rainbows. When you finally figure out how you can afford to have that exciting life you had last month, then I guess you figured out something good. Heck if you figured out how to live w host families for free then that’s good too! Often seen to many friends and family get really lucky to ride that good train. I wonder when our turn will be?

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