In the Human Cognition and Neural Dynamics Lab (HCND), we seek to understand the link between complex human behavior and brain dynamics. It is widely recognized that human behavior, in all its rich forms and with all its inherent variability, arises primarily from the interplay between distributed brain regions. At the HCND, we use electroencephalography (EEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to both measure and influence the electrical activity of the brain with the goal of identifying and quantifying neural signatures of human behavior and ability. Scientists in the lab focus on a number of important and intriguing questions that include the neural mechanisms of face perception and recognition; how musical training affects the neural processing of language; and the cortical mechanisms underlying the integration of action and perception. High-density EEG and TMS are well suited to address these questions because the provides measures of cortical activity on a fast time scale suitable for quantifying rapid changes in neural states and dynamic interchanges between distributed cortical regions.