BBC Documentary

Setting: This Documentary appears on Youtube, and it interacts with the genre of news writing.

Subject: This genre, a documentary, it’s used for conveying news through a source that people would be more inclined to pay attention to because americans are lazy and would rather watch an engaging documentary about politics than read about it. Documentaries are used for journalism, advocacy, and personal expression. This specific documentary we used was for advocacy.

Participants: This documentary was produced by Panorama BBC which is a British current affairs documentary television show. The producers of this show are Eleanor Plowden, Alison Priestly, and Liz Bloor. The writers of this show are Vivian White and Paul Kenyon. The people who would be most inclined to watch this documentary people involved in politics, students, and people who generally want to be more informed.

Exigencies: This documentary was made to inform the public. It is used in a political setting, during the election.


HD, BBC Documentary. “Trump vs Clinton: Divided America – BBC Documentary 2016 – US President 2016.” YouTube, YouTube, 16 Nov. 2016,

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