
Setting: Time magazine can be found at local new stands, or if you have a subscription it can be mailed directly to your home. They also have an extensive website with many different articles regarding the 2016 election. You can find information about both candidates and scandals that they are apart of. There are even articles on the financial aspect of the election.


Subject: With regards to the 2016 election you can find many articles on the scandals that both candidates were involved in during that time period. Also just general information on the election as it proceeded. Ex) who won the primaries, results after debates, polls and predictions etc..

Participants: The writers of these articles are the journalists at Time Magazine. I’m assuming that they write in teams and have multiple people that the article goes through, such as editors, visual designers and publishers. The readers are anyone who subscribes to Time or buys their magazine. Normally people would read this while they’re on the toilet or with their breakfast before going to work. Perhaps even late at night while cracking a cold one as the kids are being put to bed.


Exigencies: Time is a major magazine company so their magazine is used everywhere. Their primary purpose is to keep the public informed with reliable news.


“2016 Election.” Time, Time,


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