


I am a freshman at Western Washington University, I don’t have a lot of experience in writing but I took english all four years of high school. My senior year I was in a class writing the newspaper for my high school which was a very fun and different experience, I learned a lot about journalistic writing which was a lot different than the average literature class where you learn how to write a basic five page paper on whatever book you were reading at the time. I will be majoring in environmental business so I do have a future of writing, just in a different setting.

My partner and I picked to do our research on the 2016 presidential election because it is a very broad topic and we were definitely going to find a bunch of different genres of writing on it, as we did. My personal favorite genres would be movies and TV shows because it’s easy and fun of course but My favorite genre we came across while doing our research was social media because especially in this election with our childish candidates, there was a lot of drama on Twitter that was very funny to read about. The one thing that was challenging about doing this research was trying to not sound repetitive in all of the genres we found because a lot of the information was the same, it was just how the information was being presented that was different.


Yunadi : I am a freshman at Western Washington University. This is my first english course that I am taking, in college. Throughout high school I took the normal classes for my grade when it came to english. However, I was in yearbook my Junior and Senior year. My junior year I was in student life and wrote many covers and worked on a total of 16 pages. My senior year I was a co editor-in-chief and was responsible for the oversight of all the pages and editing them. As a child I was a very avid reader, in 4th grade I was part of the million dollar club which meant I had read over a million words.

I chose this theme because I find politics interesting. The 2016 election was also such a talked about time in our nation’s history that I knew there would be a lot of genres for it. My favorite genre of writing is probably television and music. I like to be entertained and both offer a lot of entertainment. I was surprised by how dumb some people are. If you watch the video under comedic news journalism you’ll know what I mean. My favorite genre to work on was probably the political cartoons because it was fun looking through them and actually understanding what’s going on.  


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