Odyssey Poem

Setting: This genre, a poem, in a political sense is used as a way to understand a big issue in a

Short easy to read piece of writing. Poetry can interact with many different types of writing because it is a very easy going interpretive form of expression. As i said, poems are a way of expressing feeling and sometimes, like this one it is in a persuasive way. poems appear in books, articles, adds, and one of the main place where people come across poems are on social media. Also, songs are the number one form of poetry that people hear on a daily basis without thinking about it.


Subject: Poetry is a very versatile form of writing because it interacts with many different

Subjects. Love is in a main topic in poetry, but this political poem is used to speak out about voting. The author wrote this poem in the 2016 presidential election in a persuasive way to get people to vote and try to prevent trump from being elected.


Participants: the person who wrote this poems name is Makenzie Dare Campbell. The poem was posted on The Odyssey, A website with a bunch of poems on it. The people who participate in reading this poem would be poets, people who work in political science, and students.


Exigencies: this poem exists to persuade people to vote. It is used as a way to spread awareness of the election and Mackenzie’s goal from writing this poem was to mostly get people to vote for hillary. She used a lorax quote saying that if we don’t care about our future, then it won’t get better,so we have to vote.


“Poem: 2016 Presidential Election.” The Odyssey Online, Odyssey, 28 Aug. 2017,


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