
Setting: this podcast can be found on youtube and on Joe Rogan’s website with all of his podcasts. It was them reacting during the election in a comedic way, so it interacts with comedy but also a news podcast.


Subject: this is a podcast about the 2016 election, so the topics were about the two candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There were multiple comedians on the podcast so they were trying to make the situation a little bit uplifting, but they were just talking about the candidates and the process of the election during the podcast.


Participants: The man running the podcast, and the website where the podcast was posted is Joe Rogan but Doug Stanhope and Bill Burr were also with him during the podcast. In the 3 hour long podcast they had a few comedians rotate in and out to lift the mood. The people who would listen to this podcast are politicians and Joe’s fans.


Exigencies: podcasts are used for so many different things, mostly to inform people of different things and in this sense it was to inform people of a current world issue, and the election.


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