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  Kirin: I am a freshman at Western Washington University, I don’t have a lot of experience in writing but I took english all four years of high school. My senior year I was in a class writing the newspaper for my high school which was a very fun and different experience, I learned a lot about journalistic writing which…

Social Media

Setting: The tweets posted by all of the presidential candidates, especially Trump, were broadcasted all over the media. They were on every news channel and news website, as well as of course their social media accounts. Tweets are kind of their own genre because you only get 140 characters so your tweet can be whatever you want it it be…


Setting: Time magazine can be found at local new stands, or if you have a subscription it can be mailed directly to your home. They also have an extensive website with many different articles regarding the 2016 election. You can find information about both candidates and scandals that they are apart of. There are even articles on the financial aspect…

Political Cartoons

Setting: These political cartoons were published on the UW website as a Political News Blog. You may also see political cartoons in newspapers, anywhere online, and sometimes even on TV.   Subject: There are many different types of political cartoons, this one in particular was saying that both candidates for the 2016 election were unfavorable. Political Cartoons can be used…

South Park

Setting: South Park is most commonly found on Hulu but this specific full episode can be found on Youtube. South park is a comedy, animation and satire genre of TV show.   Subject: TV shows have so many different genres, a few examples are comedy, drama, thriller, horror, mystery, and action. TV can incorporate a lot of different topics, in…

Comedic Journalism

    Setting: Normally people just watch this on television when it comes on, or on the Comedy Central app. It interacts with all sorts of different genres because the hosts just talk about whatever is going on in the world at the time. This isn’t really a traditional news source like CNN, Fox, or MSNBC, but statistics say that…


Setting: this podcast can be found on youtube and on Joe Rogan’s website with all of his podcasts. It was them reacting during the election in a comedic way, so it interacts with comedy but also a news podcast.   Subject: this is a podcast about the 2016 election, so the topics were about the two candidates Hillary Clinton and…


  Setting: This genre can appear in many different settings such as TV, the radio, or on social media. If this song is used with other mediums its most likely being used in a meme or a video that is showing peoples distaste for Donald Trump. The song is most commonly found on iTunes and Spotify or Youtube. It interacts…

Book Article

Setting: Book critics are seen in newspapers, magazines, and online.   Subject: A book critique can be on literally anything. In this case the website attached has a lot of different articles written by four different women: Susan Bordo, Ana Marie Cox, Daisy Hernandez, and Dana Nelson. After reading the articles I came to a conclusion that they were mostly…

Odyssey Poem

Setting: This genre, a poem, in a political sense is used as a way to understand a big issue in a Short easy to read piece of writing. Poetry can interact with many different types of writing because it is a very easy going interpretive form of expression. As i said, poems are a way of expressing feeling and sometimes,…