Traction Journal 2

Entrepreneurialship & Innovation: Venture Project One: Assessability

Last week was a wind whirl, so much interaction and prep for our venture project one, but also exciting to learn from everyone. I felt a little lost at times, but the team really helped me. I found that even thou we have E1’s in our group like myself, everyone added to our project. We had a lot of fun with this, well I did my interviews were so in tune with what we are working on! Everyone Hates parking in Bellingham! This was the evidence-based skills. This quarter I need help with just google docs and simple computer skills with programs I’m not too familiar with, Google slides, Google docs. I work on a Mac, and I feel I am still basic with just word. 

I find it kind of crazy to find something to create in such a short amount of time for the community likes its nothing. I remember in my 30’s I wanted to sell cars on weekends, and I went to a sales seminar. The lead person wanted me to sell him a pen in about twenty different ways and prove to him why that pen was the only pen people should be interested in using, this project brought back some fun memories.

I am quite excited to pitch Beam Parking to our class tomorrow, and pretty much all you need for evidence is the picture I have attached. You’re Welcome.

I have been thinking maybe this entire project should go further and be brought to the city!

This weekend was insane. My husband gave up his badge after thirty-one years of service. Darin will now be the Vice President of Ethics and Policy at Western, he starts tomorrow. We then went to Canada to see my seventy-five-year-old mother. I had to put this program on the back burner for two days.

That’s all folks, Happy Sunday.

Signing off..


Traction Journal 3-Easter Weekend

“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up, or bit by bit?” – Velveteen Rabbit

The Venture Project One went smooth, everything was laid out by Katie, and she was really great at educating us new folk, lots of guidance and exclamation and even understanding when people had very busy schedules.

I feel like every one of our team members put in the same amount of workload.

The project really made us look deeper into Bellingham’s parking issues and different ideas on how we could improve.

During this whole process, I have realized how valuable my time is, while still connecting.

I have learned an entirely new way of communicating during an interview, and I really like the new methods people are using, in the old days during an interview you felt like you were interrogated.

I am hoping to continue this program in the second quarter, we have a lot going on in our family at this time, and I do feel like I would be a disappointment to the team if I try to continue. I am working with Meg to see if Zoom may be a possibility to continue. This will depend on the workload. I really love this class; however, I have some serious obligations at home. This entire course is very important for me to learn new ideas as I start my own small business, so I hope I can figure out something.

I will keep you all posted if I need to drop Entrepreneurship & Innovation and try to pick up next quarter.

Traction Journal 1

Hello, Laura here coming live from my home office, quite hungover. April 1st was the day in Canada they dropped the covid pre tests to cross the boarder, the Canadians came to “Merica” right into my hot tub last night, with wine in celebration-yes my girlfriends. I kicked them all out todayat 11am and said I have to work on my passion! I am now here , working on traction journal entry one.

A little about me, I dont drink much, just like any respectful lady in her 50’s a nice glass of wine once a month with dinner is about the amount of alcohol I can handle. Needless to say, I messed up.

I decided to enroll in the entrepreneurialship program because I create things. Art, wearable fashion, I write (creatively)and I have been told I am a entrepreneur for years. I have started a few small companies, not really knowing what I was doing, but believing in the faith-“yeah this will work” and most did for a short time, with little gains.

This program jumped out at me in email form, and I could not have been more over joyed! I am hoping to learn the knowleadge from E’2, E’3s – give me all the knowledge!!

I do not have a major, this is it. I will find one, most likely writing or arts, Journalism is also in the back of my mind, possibly editorial pieces maybe, not a s a reporter in the field, I am intrested in publishing books. I hope to have a clearer picture by taking this program.

The first class was great, very welcoming- I had a amazing time! I feel I will need a bit of support just how to manouver all the information, I will be the one with the post it notes, colored pens..bullitin boards, vision boards- I am a visual learner.

I am finding this page not as intuitive as the first two blogs I have done in the past, so its slightly frustrating.

I have no idea how the page will look when I am done. I look forward to tomorrow!

Hello world!

WordPress never looked so different! Hopefully at the end of the day this will look like a beautiful blog. Give me all the tools! I am so glad you stopped by to read about my new Adventure in the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program at Western University! Here You will find my daily posts……….